Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Did I tell you we moved?

Yeah, it's been a bit of a whirlwind.  But we moved!  Not down the street, or a few neighborhoods over.  Not even a few states over.  Baby, we moved from one coast to the other.  We left our home of the last 14 years on Pacific North West and we are now Tarheels!  Yep, We're in North Carolina.

It has been such an adventure!  I'll catch up on the details as we go along.  But let me just say that the cool, cloudy, breezy weather we have today is a refreshing gift!  It reminds me of our Seattle home and is such a relief from the record breaking heat we've had the past 7 weeks or so.

Seems like just yesterday that we left....

We sold our house in a week!  Packed up the house

Loaded the truck

Said goodbye to our house of 10.5 years. Four of my six babies were born here.  It was the only house my kids could remember. SO many memories contained in those walls and in my heart.  Good times, bad times...happy and sad times.  Holidays, birthdays, family visits, homeschool adventures.  That house witnessed it all.

We hopped a plan out of Portland and headed east!

The hardest part, was leaving 1/6 of my heart behind.

Dear Baby Hazel, I will have to carry you in my heart from here on.  I can't bring you flowers or wash your stone or trim the grass. I can't bring your Easter basket or a Christmas tree.  But I wear my necklace everyday.   Your picture is by my bed.  I still buy you flowers.  Purple ones.  I miss you baby girl.  I always will.

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