Friday, April 8, 2016

Squishy Human Body Dissection Kit

My 5th grader began to grow weary of her school work recently.  What had started out as a joy was turning into a chore.  She is very, very diligent and works hard at any task even if she doesn't like it.  This kid just came with a super strong work ethic!  I love that about her. But I want her to enjoy school and have fun.  So once I again I scouted around for a few end-of-the-year curriculum choices for her that would rekindle her interest in school.

I decided to give Moving Beyond the Page a second look. I have used some of their literature guides  as stand alone unit studies.  But I haven't ever really bought their packages or tried to use their materials as the backbone of our curriculum.  After looking at it again, I became more intrigued and thought it would be a good fit for my 5th grader.

One of the units I got for her is the human body science. This science unit correlates with a writing unit, but I didn't get that because she takes a writing class at the co-op.  Instead I got her the wrinkle in time(Literature), Lincoln (for history), andState Government and Economics (goes alone with the Abe Lincoln unit).

We don't use it the way the company recommends or it would be way too much work every day. She is much happier with her work and the work load right now!  And she loves the science. She says it is her favorite class now.  Today she got to use the fun squishy human body kit by smart labs for part of her assignment.  That thing was a little pricey, but it's very cool and the other kids are already looking forward to using it when they get to do this class.

 HERE is where you can look at her final unit presentation.

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