Sunday, September 2, 2018

Preschool - Round 5 - It's worth it

I remember when my older kids were starting preschool and I was SO excited to have marvelous room decorations, amazing lesson plans, uber fun activities, etc.   After homeschooling for ten years, some of that zeal and boundless energy has been leached from my bones.  Not gonna lie. 

Here I am with another preschooler on my hands.  And it's time to brush off all my preschool skills and put them to use.  I have to stop and remind myself that these precious preschool years are so fleeting and so wonderful.  I really want to take advantage of them and not waste a moment. Well, ok, so I'm sure a few moments will be spent on Peppa Pig while I get work done with the older kids.  But my goal is to be more organized and intentional about spending some quality "school time" with my pre-pre K student.  She's a little ball of fire and keeps me on my toes.  I love the way she makes us laugh one moment, and then has us thinking about the eternities in the next with her sweet words and thoughts.

Anyway, the other day we had fun introducing Aa and Bb.  It was so nostalgic to pull out my old sound boxes and show them to her.  My older girls gathered round to "oooo" and "ahhhh" and share their memories of using the sound boxes way back when.  It was a fun mommy moment to hear them talk about their "favorite boxes" and squeal when they saw the little items they remembered from preschool phonics.  Moments like that do make it worth your while, don't they?

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