Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Kindergarten Art Club

This is the first year that I have not taught any art classes at home for all the kids together.  No, I take that back.  Last year they were all in an art class together at the co-op.  So this is the second year I haven't taught art as a regular part of our family curriculum.  And I  love doing art at home!

My 7th grader is doing art on her own using a grade level appropriate Artistic Pursuits course.  My 5th grader is doing an art class on her own using k12.com American Art.  My 3rd grader is doing Mixed Media at the co-op we attend.  And that just left my little kindergartner with no art class.  And she is so artsy! So creative (like her next oldest sister) so I had to come up with something for her.

The answer was to start a little art club with some of her kindergarten friends.  We do it twice a month on Tuesday afternoons.  There are three little girls in this club.  Each mom teaches twice per month so we end up teaching every third month at hour house. April is our month!

Today we also invited older siblings to come over and play during art club so that my 3rd and 5th graders would have a time with friends too.  The older kids took a walk to the park and got caught in the rain.  Yikes.  Lots of muddy shoes.  But so much fun.

I often just find art projects online to do with the girls.  Pinterest is always a huge help!  Here's another great art resource I like to refer to. THIS is another one.  But today was a little different.  For today's lesson I used the k-3 Artistic Pursuits book.  We talked about what artists do and what art is.  We studied a painting of a home in Germany some 350 years ago and then created a picture of our own homes using those crayon paints.  Then we looked at another painting with some very imaginative elements and created our own imaginative painting using the same tools.  This took about one hour

The second hour of art club is always reserved for play time and snack!  The girls never have a heard time finding fun things to do together.  Snack today was apples and some homemade mini pancake muffins with chocolate chips.  Mmm.....

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